Pragmatic Key Management for Data Encryption


Over the years, key management has developed a dubious reputation - in a large part due to numerous crypto-enabled products failing to meet enterprise requirements for full lifecycle key management and few being genuinely easy to use. Fortunately, new techniques and tools remove much of the historical pain of key management, setting the stage for better experiences with mature technologies like encryption and PKI as well as a host of new and innovative applications.
In this white paper, the first in a two-part series, industry analyst Rich Mogull from Securosis reviews encryption and key management basics, outlines the four primary key management strategies, shows how they map to typical enterprise use cases, and reviews how to choose a strategy that best fits your organization today while preparing you for tomorrow's needs. The second white paper in the series, available here, delves into the process of further understanding as well as selecting an appropriate key management solution to fit specific projects and environments.
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